Wood stove Inserts | Designer, Architects, & Builder Info

A FireplaceX Medium Flush Wood Insert in a mountain home with a painting of a bear above the mantel.

Wood stoves inserts—sometimes called a ‘retrofit’—are designed to transform old masonry or factory-built fireplaces from inefficient, decorative appliances into highly-efficient systems that can heat large areas of your home. Unlike fireplaces that are framed into a wall, inserts must be placed inside an existing fireplace. Traditionally, a significant portion of the body of a wood stove insert would sit out onto the hearth. Modern wood inserts are usually designed to have the door sit flush with the opening of the fireplace. As with all hearth appliances, the ceramic glass in the door radiates the largest percentage of heat into the room. Additional heat is available from a heat-circulating blower system. The best way to quantify the size of a wood stove insert is by the size of the firebox. Modern wood stoves are much more efficient than those of the 1980’s, so they have a smaller firebox. Firebox volumes ranges from about 1.2 cubic feet up to 3.0 cubic feet. The length of log that the firebox can accommodate ranges from about 16” up to 24”. Typical pricing for a wood insert project ranges between $4,000-$8,000 but varies based on project complexity.

In our showroom, we display ten models of wood stove inserts from Fireplace Xtrordinair, Lopi, Hearthstone, and Vermont Castings and are also dealers for other brands such as Kuma, Osburn, Morso, and Pacific Energy.


FireplaceX, also known as Fireplace Xtrordinair and FPX, is our top-quality line for wood stove inserts. They are known for their popular flush, modern fireplace inserts.


Lopi is another high-quality brand with their own flush inserts as well as traditional style inserts that project out from the firebox.

Vermont Castings

Vermont Castings offers high-quality flush inserts with a variety of unique style options.